Friday, January 20, 2012

Of exhibitions and closing ceremonies

After writing, reading, and correcting their artist statements, everyone picked 5 images to put in the exhibition. They looked at all 40 images, changed a few, then changed them back, and everyone was satisfied.

The students mounted their exhibition on the last morning, and we assembled at 1 pm for an agenda of 9 items:  speeches, songs, awarding of certificates, gift exchanges, and Coke, fruit, and cookies.  We were happy/sad; happy and proud of their work, but sad to say good bye, although we'll be able to stay in touch because they are here in Mae Sot.

Khu Doh reads his artist statement

It's cold in here (note sweater, scarf, and bare feet)

Nyein Chan reads his artist statement

U Chit Ko helps Ei Phyu

May Thu writes her artist statement

Writing titles for their photographs



Sharing a laugh with Shwe Yi over a title

Assembling the group photo story

Mounting the show

Masking tape is a wonderful thing...
Is it straight?

and more masking tape...

The first effort at a group photo
The self-timer saves the day
Photographers photographing photographers


Closing ceremony

Khu Doh leads a song

Building a stool in pictures

One assignment everyone loves is the group photo story.  Students must come up with a story line, decide which photos they need to tell their story, assign a photo to each student, shoot it, edit it, and present it in class.  Here's what the Science and Technology students did:
Measuring  photo:  Shwe Yi

Cutting  photo:  Ei Phyu

Grinding  photo:  Clashboy

Welding  photo:  Khu Doh

Sawing  photo:  Nyein Chan

Sanding  photo:  Khaing Thidar

Drilling  photo:  Min Soe Thu

Drilling  photo:  May Thu

The finished product  photo:  Nyein Chan

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Class time

Using the edge of the frame  photo: Min Soe Thu
These students are quick to 'get' the shooting assignments, maybe because of their technical background.  In any case, the results are fun!

Ant's point of view   photo: Ei Phyu

Bird's point of view  photo:  May Thu

Because we have no shame, we asked them to photograph us for a forthcoming article on the project in my university alumnae magazine.  Here are some of the results:
photo:  Nyein Chan

photo:  Min Soe Thu

photo:  Clashboy

photo:  Ei Phyu

photo:  Khaing Thidar

photo:  Shwe Yi

photo:  Khu Doh
photo:  May Thu
Moving  photo:  Clashboy

Bird's eye view  photo:  Nyein Cha

Backlight  photo:  Ei Phyu
U Chit Ko, our translator  photo:  May Thu
 More shooting assignments:
Portrait w/o showing face  photo:  May Thu
Portrait w/o showing face   photo:  Khaing Thidar

Using macro  photo:  Shwe Yi

Teacher Nat and Teacher Susan

Here we are at work: a combination of words, stick figures on white board, and charades!
Choosing photos

Working in teams

Demonstrating panning
This is the camera chip

Nat explains a camera function
Why is Min Soe Thu (orange shirt) photographing his feet!!!???